Research Symposium co-sponsered by and
1 November 2018
, the Netherlands
Convivial conservation is a new conservation approach that aims to move beyond currently dominant paradigms that promote nature-culture dualisms and market-based funding mechanisms. Both of these are increasingly recognized as obstacles to sustainable conservation, yet viable alternatives for transcending them have yet to be organized into a new paradigm and approach. The convivial conservation proposal has been conceptualized to fill this precise gap in envisioning integrated landscapes and new forms of wealth redistribution. Yet for its further practical operationalization, broader discussions amongst different conservation actors are needed. This seminar aims to give a strong impetus to these discussions by focusing on different responses to human-wildlife conflict cases around the world that may contain elements of a broader convivial conservation approach.
Seminar schedule:
8:45 – 9:00 Coffee/tea
9:00 – 9:15 Opening/welcome
Bram Büscher and Rob Fletcher, Sociology of Development and Change, Wageningen University
9:15 – 10:30 Session I: Relating Humans and Wildlife
Nature-based tourism and indigenous communities in the Brazilian Pantanal: between representations of biodiversity and biocultural diversity
Koen Arts, Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University
Institutional Arrangements for Conservation, Development and Tourism in Eastern and Southern Africa
René van der Duim, Cultural Geography, Wageningen University
The importance of emotions in human-wildlife relationships
Maarten Jacobs, Cultural Geography, Wageningen University
Carnivores, colonisation and conflict: how to subjugate a nation and its wildlife
Niki Rust, Research Associate, Newcastle University
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee/tea
10:45 – 12:00 Session II: Human-wildlife co-existence in practice I
Designing wild-user friendly conservation technologies for animals
Clemens Driessen, Cultural Geography, Wageningen University
Behavioural Ecology and Wildlife Conservation
Marc Naguib, Behavioral Ecology, Wageningen University
Living with the wolf: A Luhmannian perspective to human-wildlife conflict in Redes Natural Park, Spain
Isabeau Ottolini and Arjaan Pellis (Cultural Geography) and Jasper de Vries (Strategic Communication), Wageningen University
Human-bear cohabitation in Rodopi mountains, Bulgaria
Svetoslava Toncheva, Comparative Folklore Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch (in Orion cafeteria)
13:00 – 14:15 Session III: Human-wildlife co-existence in practice II
Managing human-wildlife conflicts: examples from WWF programmes
Femke Hilderink-Koopmans, World Wildlife Fund Netherlands
Re-examining wildlife management: Living with bears and boars
Susan Boonman-Berson, Independent Researcher,
Balancing with the Wolfs? Institutional change in dealing with large carnivores in Törbel (Switzerland)
Ariane Zangger, Department of Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland
What do animals tell us about poaching?
Frank van Langevelde, Resource Ecology, Wageningen University
14:15 – 15:30 Session IV: Species, entanglements and politics
Landscape as a trap: tracing duck decoys as multi-species living machines
Eugenie van Heijgen, Cultural Geography, Wageningen University
Global conservation, local negotiation: a case of Barnacle geese
Yulia Kisora, Cultural Geography, Wageningen University
The Apex-Handbag: From egg-gathering natives via croc-farmers to the distributers of quality leather in a global market
Samuel Weissman, Department of Anthropology, University of Bern
The dynamic and two dimensional nature of human-wildlife relations: Learnings from a biosocial study on human-tiger interactions from Panna Tiger Reserve, India
Shekhar Kolipaka, Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Leiden University
15:30 – 15:45 Coffee/tea break
15:45 – 17:00 Session V: CON-VIVA Project Case Studies
Jaguar Conservation, Brazil
Katia Ferraz, Forest Science Department, University of São Paulo
Grizzly Bear Reintroduction, US (California)
Peter Alagona, Departments of History and Geography, University of California – Santa Barbara
Lion Conservation, Tanzania
Amy Dickman, Wildlife Conservation Research, Oxford University
Grey Wolf Conservation, Finland
Anja Nygren, Development Studies, University of Helsinki
17:00 – 17:15 Closing