What is CONVIVA’s Brazil team working on? Second episode of convivial conservation podcast online

Now that we have completed more or less the first year of the CONVIVA – convivial conservation research project, what has CONVIVA’s Brazil team been working on?

The of the aims to answer that question. It is a conversation between , University of São Paulo (BR), post-doctoral fellow on the , and , University of Sheffield (UK), also CONVIVA post-doc.

In the podcast, Laila explains ‘like I am five years old’ (The Office-style) what the Brazilian team members of the CONVIVA project are focusing on in their jaguar conservation work. We talk about the fascinating interdisciplinary, diverse make-up of the Brazilian CONVIVA team and what their work has emphasised in the project’s first year in a challenging environment. Moreover, we discuss what they are hoping to do going forward in their two quite different study sites, Parque Nacional Foz do Iguaçu/ and Carlos Botelho, with a particular emphasis on knowledge exchange and stakeholder engagement. Finally, as we hope to do with all our podcasts, we end on something convivial, something hopeful.

If you have not yet listened to the of the convivial conservation podcast, feel free to catch up on it here: (University of Wageningen, NL) explains what convivial conservation is ‘like I am five years old’. Bram also discusses the origins of the NORFACE/Belmont-Forum-funded CONVIVA – convivial conservation research project which he co-leads with , and elaborates on why the focus came to be on jaguars in Brazil, bears in California, wolves in Finland and lions in Tanzania. We talk about what Bram and Rob’s book is about, where the CONVIVA – convivial conservation research project is now, and what we hope the project will achieve overall.

All music for both podcasts was contributed by .

Thanks very much for listening!